Drum Lessons Northampton - Drummers Link

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Is your child looking for a cool new hobby?

It’s nearly September, kids will be heading back to school, and now is the BEST time to get them into learning something new!

Every year when September comes around parents, like you, start to consider fun extra-curricular activities for their children that will help them to develop soft skills and make friends! Well, let me tell you, learning a musical instrument and being taught by a positive mentor will help your child in more ways than you can imagine!

Drumming enables kids to release energy and gives them a creative outlet to put their focus into, helping to release those “happy endorphins” and boost their mood! These might, however, seem like obvious benefits to drumming, so let me tell you about a couple of other not-so-obvious perks…

Drumming increases academic performance.

It has been noted that learning rhythms and understanding musical timing can enhance the ability for students to understand fractions, maths formulas and multiplication!

“Music enables students to learn multiplication tables and math formulas more easily (T. Mickela as cited in Kelstrom, 1998); rhythm students learn the concept of fractions more easily; students who were taught using rhythm notation scored 100 percent higher on tests of fractions; and a child may use the ability for logical thinking that was developed in music class to solve problems quite unrelated to music (Kelstrom, 1998).”

Understanding a creative art, such as drumming, can also help in subjects like English, by helping you identify emotional cues, a skill you can use to identify characters’ thought processes and motives.

Increase your IQ level.

Drumming is a very unique activity that enables you to coordinate your four limbs in a way that very few activities do! We all have a dominant hand or foot and drumming gets you to focus on developing your non-dominant side.

A recent study found that playing drums can boost brain power, specifically your IQ.

“Being able to understand musical notes and dissect how rhythms work and go together is a very complicated thought process. The most recent study shows that being constantly exposed to this type of brain activity can actually improve one’s IQ level.” (Pat Brown, International Drum Month chairman and Percussion Marketing Council co-executive director.)

So will drumming be your child’s new hobby this academic year?

I’ve mentioned just a couple of great examples to support your decision, when choosing whether to book drum lessons for your child as they return to school. You will also be gifting your child with a life-long hobby, helping them to make new friends and boost their confidence!

If you’re interested in booking a FREE trial drum lesson in Northampton, then please visit the Drummers Link website for more information via the button below.